
Local Special Olympics medal in bowling meet

The entire Adirondack Rednecks team poses for a photo. (Provided photo)
The Adirondack Rednecks pose for a photo. Pictured from left in the back are Ricky Sullivan, Keith Freeman, Darren Balch and Peter Lynch. In the front row are Elisa Lynch and Jen Ivimey. (Provided photo)
Athlete of the year for the North Country Allen Hurteau, right, poses with NYS Special Olympics Athlete Representative Erik Viscardo. (Provided photo)

The Adirondack Rednecks, the North Country division of the New York State Special Olympics, recently competed in Plattsburgh in the Special Olympics Games for Bowling.

The team brought home some hardware and had a lot of fun. Special Olympians compete as singles or on a unified team of two — Special Olympians teamed up with a Special Olympics volunteer. The Kiwanis Club of Saranac Lake helps support the North Country division with coaches and volunteers.

Bowlers from the North Country and the Capital region attended. Allen Hurteau was the top single bowler with scores of 178 and 188. Appreciation dinner for the 2023 year was held for volunteers and coaches. Allen Hurteau was named Athlete of the Year for the North Country, and Kayla Ware was named Rookie Coach of the Year for the North Country.

Currently, the Adirondack Rednecks are bowling weekly and will soon add snowshoeing to their training schedule. Olympians and volunteers are always welcome.

Starting at $4.75/week.

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