
Youth Summit lacrosse tourney returns

A PowellX 12U lacrosse player looks to make a play with a West Islip Lions 2030 player defending him during a game on Wednesday at the North Elba Athletic Fields. (Enterprise photo — Parker O’Brien)

LAKE PLACID — For Lake Placid Summit Youth Classic Event Director Kevin Leveille, the annual lacrosse tournament has become a family affair.

Before Leveille took over as the event’s director in 2016, his father held the position and even founded the tournament in 1990. Back then Leveille was playing in the tournament.

This year, however, it was Leveille’s son who played in the Summit Youth Classic, making him the third of his family’s generation to play lacrosse at the Lake Placid tournament.

His son played for the Skaneateles Lakers 10U team, which fell in the third-place game. But after all the games were finished on Tuesday, the Leveilles shared a special moment on the North Elba Athletic Fields.

Leveille said.

A PowellX 12U lacrosse player makes a pass during a game on Wednesday at the North Elba Athletic Fields. (Enterprise photo — Parker O’Brien)

The Lake Placid Summit Youth Classic wrapped up its three-day annual lacrosse tournament on Wednesday, June 28.

The tournament showcased boys lacrosse teams aged from eight and under up to 16 and under. There were a total of 42 teams this year, which is around the same as last year’s numbers, according to Leveille.

he said. We had a lot of different states representing from New Jersey, Maryland, a good handful from Canada and we had some nationwide teams mixed from Florida. It’s a wide range of teams and a lot of different champions which is nice.”

Leveille said that with lacrosse being considered a growing sport in the U.S., he thinks that’s why there has been interest in the tournament from all over the place.

Leveille said.

In past years, the tournament drew in around 60 teams but once the coronavirus pandemic hit, the number of teams was reduced. Leveille said in 2021 that the organization wanted to lower the numbers to keep things more organized and under control.

he said.

Many of the teams that compete in the youth lacrosse tournament are returners, according to Leveille.

he said.

The Summit Lacrosse Society will return to Lake Placid for its second and final tournament in this village, with the Lake Placid Summit Classic being held from July 31 to Aug. 6. The tournament will hold two different divisions — a scholastic division for youngsters and an adult division.

Much like the youth tournament, many of the teams are coming back from previous years. Leveille guessed that about 98% of the teams are returners.

he said.

Levielle said that there will be an influx on the women’s side of the Lake Placid Summit Classic.

he said.

The Summit Lacrosse Society hosted tournaments in Albany, Saratoga, Denver, Colorado and in California earlier in the year. The organization will also host tournaments in Youngstown, St. George, Utah and Glenview, Illinois later this year.


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