
Rail/trail debate (opinion)

Still time to do it right

“Use and misuse of the travel corridor through the Adirondacks.” That’s the subject of a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo from Adirondack Recreational Trail Advocates, the nonprofit that’s been working for many years to establish a 90-mile recreational trail through the Adirondack Park from ...

Railroad GoFundMe doesn’t inspire confidence

To the editor: While the big news locally is the continuing removal of the rails, the state Department of Transportation is apparently still planning on restoring the rails between Big Moose and Tupper Lake. However, the Adirondack Railroad has started a GoFundMe campaign to raise the ...

Adirondack rail or trail?

To the editor: As winter draws to a close and construction season nears, we have to again ask, rail or trail? This winter has been one of the best in years for snow coverage on the rail corridor, thus allowing the most consistent grooming (minus a few problem areas) in years, with a ...

Middle solution for railroad

To the editor: As a longtime property owner in both the Beaver River and Old Forge areas, the town of Beaver River is a landlocked region. Unlike Old Forge, there are no roads accessing this area ever since the reservoir was flooded around the turn of the last century. This is both a draw ...

Off the rails again

Boy, I wish I was going to be around 50 years from now to overhear a conversation with a group dedicated to solving the transportation problem in the Adirondacks. So many cars, so many people, a toll booth at Exit 30 of the Northway. Two hundred dollars for two days, and don’t violate the ...

DOT awards track rebuilding contract Thursday

To the editor: The history of rails in the Adirondacks is well known. From the days of logging and mining to the Great Camps of the rich and famous, railroads took advantage of the Adirondacks and the Adirondacks of the railroads. Today the well-protected Forest Preserve is for recreation ...