
Thank you to the Carpenter Foundation

To the Editor:

The members and friends of First United Methodist Church of Saranac Lake once again extend a sincere thank you to the Carpenter Foundation for their generous support for our free weekly community supper ministry. Through this ministry, we are able to offer a warm and healthy meal to all who come to us. Some choose to eat at the church and some choose to take their own meal or, perhaps meals for those who cannot attend themselves. This year, we have once again affirmed this ministry as a means to help alleviate the loneliness that many of those who come to be nourished through food and friendship. Our congregation is encouraged to become involved and spend some time in outreach especially to the elderly. When a friend or neighbor takes a meal to another, it often creates a much needed contact. Once again, thank you for your support of this important ministry. We are very grateful to you.


Cindy Smith on behalf of Marlene Martin, community supper coordinator, and the members and friends of First United Methodist in Saranac Lake

Starting at $4.75/week.

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