
NY-21 District special election

To the editor:

Elise Stefanik’s anticipated confirmation as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations is among the very few silver linings in last year’s presidential election. It will enable residents of New York State’s 21st Congressional District to correct the very costly mistake they made by electing her to a sixth term in Congress by electing dairy farmer Blake Gendebien in the upcoming special election.

Under Ms. Stefanik’s watch, this rural region lost more than 700 dairy farms during the past six years alone and families left to seek better-paying jobs elsewhere. The North Country deserves much better than the representation they’ve received from this Donald Trump sycophant who promoted conspiracy theories while she fueled 2020 election denialism and disinformation.

The son of Peace Corps volunteers, Mr. Gendebien has always exhibited a strong work ethic and genuine concern for his neighbors and fellow citizens, as evidenced by service to his community. This includes establishing a foundation that assists families fighting the daunting battle against pediatric cancer, serving in a dairy cooperative leadership position, and coaching youth soccer and basketball teams.

I live just a few houses away from the western edge of the 21st District that has suffered mightily under Ms. Stefanik’s harsh worldview that is devoid of empathy, compassion, and kindness. Electing Mr. Gendebien and other Democrats running in special elections is essential as we embark on this uphill battle against those who seek to take away our freedom and transform the United States into an autocratic dictatorship reminiscent of the former Soviet Union.


Geri Spanek


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