
Firing federal workers

To the editor:

The destruction of federal agencies by the arbitrary firing of thousands of employees is criminal. The agencies were created by Congress to perform important functions to protect public safety and public interests. Trump and his Muskrats know nothing about the specific functions of the fired employees or their importance to the services provided by the agency. This has been clearly demonstrated by repeated mistakes requiring of workers performing essential tasks.

Every one of these agencies have their own independent inspectors general, who evaluate agency function for fraud and abuse. Most employees have been hired under civil service rules requiring specific qualifications, and often, testing. Managers are there to ensure work is performed expertly and to do regular performance reviews.

Government exists to provide order, safety and continuity to our lives. Carelessly tear it apart, and see the chaos and devastation that happens. Moreover, these actions are destroying the lives and security of thousands of our fellow citizens. And why? To fund tax breaks for the very wealthy!

Barbara A. Rottier


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