Appreciation for SLHS’ musical choice
To the editor:
Saturday night I attended the Saranac Lake High School musical “A Man of No Importance.” This is a story that follows a man, Alfie, in the early 1960s in Dublin. Alfie is a closeted gay man who, throughout the musical, confronts bigotry as well as his own shame as he grapples with his sexuality.
I was thoroughly impressed, not only by the students’ talent and confident presence on stage, but also by their ability to powerfully communicate a message of such depth. I am also immensely impressed by the theater department and school’s willingness to take on a topic that has been deeply charged for generations. It feels especially poignant given our current political climate.
There are times when living in rural New York can feel isolating and frustrating, but this weekend left me feeling extremely appreciative. The amount of people who filled the auditorium and experienced the musical during the three nights it ran were many. I overheard countless folks describing how powerful the show was. Were some people shocked and surprised and perhaps a bit uncomfortable? Maybe. But if nothing else, I think these folks probably had to stop and think, and hopefully feel.
This performance was a powerful message of compassion and love. To have that amplified right now leaves me feeling uplifted.
I applaud SLHS, the theater department, and the students who performed. Thank you for giving this Adirondack resident renewed hope in our community and our future!
Keela Grimmette
Lake Placid