Kudos to the Saranac Lake DPW
To the editor:
I was “fortunate” to have a front row seat at the recent water main break on Lake Flower Avenue from my front living room window.
The men working for our Saranac Lake Department of Public Works were on the job for 12 hours straight –analyzing, probing, digging, pumping out water, cutting pipes, replacing pipes into the dark evening hours on a snowy winter day.
We were all grateful it was 20 above rather than 20 below.
They did a great job and were able to accomplish what looked to me to be an impossible task in a rather short period of time. Thank you once again!
Hopefully this will be the last straw — it is a definite problem when every other winter an old water or sewer pipe breaks in our village.
It is time for our village to actively seek funding to replace effectively and properly our antiquated infrastructure on Lake flower Avenue and elsewhere especially if the state is considering upgrading state Route 86 in the near future.
Thank you SLDPW!!!
Carmen Ordonez
Saranac Lake