Broken eggs
To the editor:
Breathless with the news each day, I find it hard to respond with thoughtful, non-polarizing observations. Non-polarizing because I am a member of Braver Angels, (, a citizens’ organization bringing “red leaning” (conservative) and “blue leaning” (liberal) Americans into a working alliance dedicated to political depolarization. Braver Angels was established in 2016, after the first election of Donald Trump as president. A 501(c)3 non-profit, it runs workshops, debates and other events where red and blue participants attempt to listen, to better understand one another’s positions and discover shared values.
These days, I find it to be very, very hard work because, in my breathless state, I feel an overwhelming need to respond so negatively to the intensity and comprehensiveness of Trump’s remaking of government in a manner and design that is so achingly contrary to my own moral convictions and understandings of how government works.
I know there are “red-leaning” people who greatly admire the rapidity, the strength of conviction toward the promised “change,” But remember, Humpty Dumpty could not be put back together again, and eggs broken indiscriminately are notoriously difficult to clean up. Not to mention an expensive waste.
We “blue leaners” call, text, email and then repeat, to our members of Congress. I like to assume that our senators are doing what they can. What about Rep. Elise Stefanik? Holding up the special election might help thwart, in a little way, the conservative majority in Congress. It could be called a petty move; if the conservative majority did it — we liberals would shout foul. But then, pettiness seems to win these days. And since Rep. Stefanik has never represented me, I come down on the side of a delay, giving up my right for representation for the benefit of the country I love.
Katharine Preston