The party of law and order?
To the editor:
Donald J. Trump has just let 1,500 convicted felons out of jail. On Jan. 6, 2021 they were at the U.S. Capitol trying to overthrow the will of the people; even if it meant hanging Vice President Mike Pence. These “protestors” beat and pepper sprayed legitimate officers of the law, some of whom lost their lives and others who were scarred forever.
The Republican party for years has portrayed themselves as the “party of law and order.” What happened to defending “the thin blue line?” After trumpeting on the campaign trail about sending back all the criminals “pouring in on the Southern border,” DJT has just unleashed 1,500 known felons on our streets. These are people who assaulted police officers, carried guns into the Capitol and defecated in the Rotunda, where DJT just took the oath of office to uphold the constitution. What law abiding life does he think they will return to? They will be a threat to any citizen who disagrees with them.
To make things worse, DJT has nominated as attorney general a woman who will not acknowledge the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Not a one of the hundreds of lawsuits brought by DJT and the Republicans was ever upheld in a court of law.
Let’s hope that the Senate actually fulfills its duty of “advise and consent” and refuses to confirm this election denier and others who will not uphold the law, specifically our own Elise Stefanik who is also guilty of not accepting the will of the people.
Parmelee Tolkan
Lake Placid