Response to opinion of Veronique de Rugy
To the editor:
In the Dec. 13 edition of the Enterprise, Ms. de Rugy throws out a lot of numbers in her column “Don’t write off DOGE.” It may sound great, and I’m sure some areas could be cut, but to get to $2 trillion, the fastest way to get there is to let the Trump tax cuts for the rich expire. The rich don’t need it, and corporations are making record earnings. To look at Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to cut so the filthy rich can be even more rich on the backs of retirees and the poor is offensive and sickening. I watched Steve Rattner of MSNBC go through the federal budget looking for savings. There is nothing there that could be cut enough to get to the $2 trillion. She’s a Senior Research Fellow? I say go and get some actual experience managing a company.
Jennifer Zahn
Saranac Lake