‘No wars on my watch!’
To the editor:
Donald Trump argues “There were no wars on my watch!” I am in agreement with Dr. Welch’s recent article about “Turning an Ocean liner” — the actions of government often take years to produce results.
I would assert that Donald Trump’s actions in and out of office have set the stage for the spiraling increase in the divisiveness, misinformation and aggression in this country and the world. From the moment he entered his first race for the presidency, he has unrelentingly attacked and demeaned minorities, here and abroad. He has consistently praised dictators. He has given license and praise to intolerance and abuse of others. By his denunciation of and attempt to bully Ukraine, the stage was set for Russia’s invasion. His withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal gave Iran the green light to do what it wanted in the region; it certainly destabilized the region. And surely, Trump’s “friend” Putin supported Iran in the timing of the Hamas attack on Israel; Russia and Iran knew that Israel would respond full-force and that it would drag the U.S., its ally, into it, creating problems for the Biden administration before this election. The Israel-Hamas war has diverted attention and resources from Ukraine, a tremendous boost to Russia’s attempted takeover. Trump’s praise for China’s Xi encouraged China’s aggression against Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Philippines. The “deal” Trump made with the Taliban for unilateral U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, with no penalty to the Taliban, created the devastation of civil rights there. Trump can declare “no war on my watch,” but he set the stage for atrocities, destruction and war, worldwide.
Barbara A. Rottier