A one-of-its-kind hunting club in the North Country
To the editor:
Every four years, right after the presidential election I post the following “I just got elected president of the HA-HA. The Hebrew American Hunter’s Association is the largest and oldest Jewish hunting club in America. And I just got elected their president!” People who know me more than four years say nothing. Those who became “friends” with me recently reply with “Congratulations!” “They are lucky to have you!” “You will be a great president!” and so on.
And I wait…
Eventually, one of my “new” friends will reply with something like “Ummm … not to be rude or anything but … just how many members are there in this Hebrew American Hunter’s Association?” I reply, “Just me. I am the only member so far. But as president I promise to double our membership over the next 4 years!”
To all my brothers and sisters out there this season: be safe, enjoy our Adirondacks and good luck.
Ira Weinberg
Saranac Lake
President of the Hebrew American Hunters Association