
Facts enhance understanding

To the editor:

Thank you for printing Mr. Barton’s piece entitled “Trump Set the Stage for New Middle East Wars” (10/3/24). Voters now have in-depth information that details historical background and political involvement concerning the Palestinian/Israeli situation.

It’s sequential, comprehensive explanations like Mr. Barton’s that help us understand that there’s always two sides encompassing every story. But, reactive political rhetoric has incorrectly divided us along strict lines: You’re either for Israel or against.

When you learn the history, you understand that the Palestinians have lost their homes and been displaced; moved around like pawns in a game of chess. Sympathetic protesters want the killing of innocent people to end (41,595 Palestinians at last count). But it’s not as simple as cutting off the weapons the U.S. is bound by written agreement to send them.

As Mr. Barton explained, politically we’ve been boxed in. Israel has long been our only ally in the tinderbox of Middle East conflicts. Trump granting Netanyahu his wishes has put us in a difficult spot of wanting to honor our established commitments of helping Israel protect itself — while disapproving of Netanyahu’s unleashed aggressive, extremist approach.

Biden and Harris have been walking this diplomatic, tenuous tightrope, while grasping the complexities from both sides. I hope Mr. Barton’s piece will help voters understand that there are no easy solutions. Ultimately, only Netanyahu will decide to either cooperate with United Nations humanitarian sanctions or continue justifying his escalating aggression.

Martha Hodges


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