Much to see, learn at the Saranac Lake Free Library
To the editor:
The Saranac Lake Free Library has launched its 2023-24 Library Lunch Series. At the first one, Susan Hopkins talked about Adirondack mushrooms and their amazing attributes. We learned a lot, as we always do, at these free programs. An excellent series is planned for this year. Bring your lunch, enjoy coffee and cookies courtesy of the library, and plan on spending a fascinating hour.
The next program will be at noon on Oct. 25, downstairs in the Cantwell Room. To see the schedule of speakers, go to
Also, be sure to go early and take in the awe-inspiring “Fibrary Fiber Arts Show” on display until Nov. 25. Many thanks to our library for continuing to provide these fine community events.
Caperton Tissot
Saranac Lake