
Declare it, President Biden

To the editor:

Global warming, climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency. No, the name change is not political or manipulative, it simply reflects the physics of the global system, working over a period of time.

Time passes. As was predicted, things continue to heat up.

So, now there is a climate emergency. To delay calling it that is almost (although not quite) as bad as denying that it exists. If President Joe Biden wants to demonstrate truth-telling, he needs to make the declaration of a climate emergency, now, and get on with using his executive power to do something in response. Of course, it would be better if Congress helped, but they seem unable to move away from preservation of personal power: the politics of getting re-elected, integrity be damned.

Why should anyone re-elect people like that?

Millions of people and fellow creatures dying = climate emergency. Declare it, President Biden.

Katharine M. Preston


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