
Letters to the editor

Stewards of the Adirondacks

To the editor: I’ve spent over 60 years exploring the Adirondacks, and my love for this unique landscape only grew stronger with time. From hiking and camping to fishing and hunting, I’ve experienced the beauty of this ecosystem in all its forms. My journey in the High Peaks began when ...

Save Ukraine’s dignity, and perhaps a little of our own

To the editor: This is an open letter to Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. Last week was the 11th anniversary of Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine, in which they managed to steal Crimea from its lawful inhabitants. It is also the third anniversary of the invasion which led to the ...

Why isn’t Stefanik speaking out?

To the editor: Why isn’t our NY-21 Congresswoman Elise Stefanik speaking out against Trump’s lie about the invasion of Ukraine? The president of the United States unequivocally blamed Ukraine for its war with Russia. In response, a handful of Republican Senators have already spoken out. ...

A snake is a snake

To the editor: For those who think that Donald Trump is using his many talents to actually help you, here’s a short personal story. In the ‘80s I lived in a five-floor walkup in New York City with my partner. Our sweet old landlord sold the building to a New Jersey real estate ...

Who wanted this?

To the editor: The Enterprise recently printed an opinion piece from a Tim Graham from the Creators Syndicate. Tim Graham does not live here. What is the Creators Syndicate? Why did his opinion piece appear in the Enterprise? How was that decision made? I would like to know. Graham ...

The great con

To the editor: In a recent guest essay by Thomas B. Edsall in the New York Times, Laurence Tribe, an emeritus professor of constitutional law at Harvard, wrote to Edsall in response to an inquiry: “I can think of no precedent in American history of such enormous power being entrusted ...