

Many students will need summer help

Many public school districts are ending the academic year early or plan to do so — including here in the Tri-Lakes area. In some schools, use of distance learning via online tools has been pronounced a disappointment. Come August and September, when American children return to school — at ...

We miss Bob Brown

Bob Brown was one of the nicest guys you could meet — and you met him everywhere in Saranac Lake, because he was everywhere. He was involved in all kinds of local projects, but beyond those, if you were hosting a public concert, dinner, fundraiser, hearing or roundtable and were wondering ...

Testing must be done in nursing homes

Thousands of older Americans may have died needlessly because we, as a nation, did not heed an early wake-up call regarding COVID-19. It is not too late to save thousands of others. On Feb. 26, two residents of the Life Care Center nursing home in Kirkland, Washington, died of COVID-19. The ...

Straw Poll results, May 11-18

This week’s Straw Poll: For the most part, do you approve of the way Gov. Andrew Cuomo has managed New York’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? --- This poll is not scientific, and its results represent only the opinions of Internet users who have chosen to participate.

Health supply cache should be national

As the coronavirus epidemic hit full stride, Americans learned to our dismay that the nation lacked adequate supplies of COVID-19 test kits, personal protective gear such as face masks, medical ventilators and other necessities for dealing with a massive health care emergency. To their ...

Board of Regents, not governor, should set education rules

Regent Roger Tilles asked a prescient question during last week’s state Board of Regents meeting that cuts to the heart of the state’s separation of powers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tilles was asking Shannon Tahoe, interim state education commissioner, her thoughts on the ...