

Keeping the peace requires trust and discipline

We need police officers, but we also need to trust them. Perhaps the violence sweeping America this past week is, to a certain degree, what happens when people lose faith in the police they trust to protect them. Where protests are peaceful, like they have been here in the North Country, ...

Straw Poll results, May 25 to June 1

This week’s Straw Poll: Are you OK with people calling the Adirondacks the “Dacks”? - This poll is not scientific, and its results represent only the opinions of Internet users who have chosen to participate.

Will colleges cut education or leaders’ pay?

Many colleges, especially private ones that aren’t among the nation’s richest, have been in trouble in recent years, and now the COVID-19 pandemic is rocking their worlds. Many schools partially refunded dormitory fees when they sent students home. A few have been sued because they ...

Distance learning hard for vocational classes

Many school districts and individual teachers have contingency plans for classes to be interrupted for a few days, but we doubt more than a handful had strategies for the current situation, in which the last couple of months of school were disrupted for millions of students. Many educators ...

Straw Poll results, May 18-25

This week’s Straw Poll: For the most part, do you approve of the way President Donald Trump has managed the United States’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic? - This poll is not scientific, and its results represent only the opinions of Internet users who have chosen to participate.

Remember the dead

“Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead,” the English writer G.K. Chesterton wrote in his 1908 book “Orthodoxy.” “Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be ...