
You Know What …? (local history), by Howard Riley

Readers are going to love this — or not

The photos are from a 1914 “Picture Book” published by the Enterprise of many, many sites around the village. I can’t wait for the winter months to publish a picture trove of carnival and skating events. In the meantime, this is breaking news from many sources; the following was 113 ...

Enterprise sports stories — 1974

Still unfolding the great folder of history on loan to me from native Saranac Laker Marilee Dupree — not only the Saturday Evening Post magazine from 1951 with the detailed story about Saranac Lake but a page from a 1974 sesquicentennial edition of the Enterprise written by the students of ...

Old photos, old stories

The photos in this column are rare and unique. They were published in a booklet entitled “Picturesque Saranac Lake” in the heart of the Adirondacks by Kenneth W. Goldthwaite, Publisher of The Enterprise — Copyright, 1914. I’ll do the math for you. That was 110 years ago. There was ...

Saranac Lake — ‘A Colorful City’

This is part two of last week’s column about a story in the high circulation New York Post magazine by William Chapman White about Saranac Lake including a two-page spread of colored photos by Frank Ross. This boxed note by the Post editor was also on the front page of the story — ...

The Saturday Evening Post features Saranac Lake

I had the great, good fortune of running into Marilee Dupree last week as I was leaving, and she was entering, Riley’s Rock Shop. I showed her my book and she replied, “I have your book,” and then added something like, “but I have something for you.” Okay, it’s a winding road to ...

My first and last days at LPC

The Lake Placid Club brought the 1932 Olympic Winter Games to Lake Placid and made Lake Placid famous. You all know the story. When my job ended as the writer of official reports for the 1980 Olympic Winter Games, I went looking for the next biggest game in town. That big game was the ...