
You Know What …? (local history), by Howard Riley

Closing of Trudeau Sanatorium — Part III

The past two columns have covered the reasons for the closing — tuberculosis somewhat under control, fewer patients — jobs lost and the history of that world famous tuberculosis hospital, the first in the United States. - A look to the future - “Dr. Francis Trudeau Sr. and Dr. ...

Closing of Trudeau Sanatorium — Part I

The 72-point headline above the Enterprise logo on Page One read: “TRUDEAU SANATORIUM TO CLOSE DEC.1” The closing 70 years ago, stunned the community; although many connected with this historic tuberculosis hospital, the first built in the United States, had read the writing on the ...

Saranac Lake is all page one

Ed Worthington was throwing his hat in the ring for the GOP nomination for Harrietstown Supervisor, Frank Buck was resigning as Saranac Lake Village Manager and train service to Malone had been restored. - The Worthington story - “Edward H. Worthington, Jr., announced today his ...

The plane crash on Wright Peak

I love the history pieces by Marty Podskoch and Sam Glanzman that appear in the Enterprise on a regular basis. Memories were triggered when I read their drawing and commentary which appeared in the Enterprise on Tuesday, Oct. 19 depicting an event that happened 62 years ago. It included a ...

Hallowe’en at St. Bernard’s School

When I first read this story, I thought to myself, (whatever that means), that my pal Ron Keough, with a big part in the celebration, was scary enough (ha ha) without wearing a Hallowe’en costume. So, here it is folks: “Seventh and eighth grade members of Our Lady’s Sodality, St. ...

Largest class at Trudeau School

Thank you to Historic Saranac Lake for preserving the story of our beautiful village in the Adirondacks. That story, as we all know, centers on the health industry; more specifically Saranac Lake became known as the best place in the world to cure for tuberculosis when Dr. Edward Livingston ...