Backlash to creating the APA

RACE’S END — American skier Robin Skiff puts her skis in the rack after Women’s Downhill event at Whiteface pre-FISU events. Christina Bauer of Germany is in the background. These two women were college skiers from seven nations that raced down Whiteface for four days in three Alpine events and split the prizes among them. Their scores were from combined events of Downhill, Slalom and Giant Slalom. The events were the last of the three-year Kennedy International Memorial Games and preliminary trials for the collegiate contests proposed for next winter.
It is unusual to find old copies of newspapers, especially since I have no filing system, and then discover a follow-up story from a previous edition.
Well, guess what? After last week’s column from the Jan. 7, 1971 Lake Placid News about the creation of the Adirondack Park Agency, I found, right here, in this citadel of ancient information — tattered newspapers, random pages and clippings — is the March 13, 1971 issue of The Lake Placid News.
At the top of page one in a big headline…
“Seek delay on Adirondack plan”
“North Country legislators have finally made a joint decision to block any action this year on the report of the Temporary Study Commission of the Future of the Adirondacks.
“Meeting Monday behind closed doors in Albany, the legislators formed a coalition to oppose, at least temporarily, creation of a new state agency to decide major questions on the Adirondack State Park.
“Included among the legislators were Assemblyman Andrew W. Ryan and Senator Ronald Stafford, both of Plattsburgh.
“The 10 representatives were persuaded by a group of local politicians who included Essex County Chairman James DeZalia and Franklin County Legislator William Mansion of Saranac Lake.
“DeZalia was reported as saying that the ‘legislators were in complete agreement with our thoughts.’ “The move was not entirely unexpected. Both Ryan and Stafford, in interviews with the News in February, indicated they were listening to pleas for postponement on legislative action. They said they had received several requests from groups and individuals to hold up action on recommendations of the Study Commission.
“The Essex County Board of Supervisors went on record formally recently requesting a one-year postponement of action to give time for ‘study’ of the report. They initiated action among other North Country boards to do the same.
“Neither Ryan nor Stafford has issued a statement on the plan which was released the first week in January. Ryan told the News that planning was desirable but the method was at issue. Stafford characterized himself ‘as not a forever wilder.’
“To date the Governor’s office has not proposed any legislation stemming from recommendations. Study Commission member Richard Lawrence of Elizabethtown said the Governor would probably send legislation this week.
“State legislators action was apparently aimed at postponing action of the proposal but some within the pressure group are opposed to several of the commission’s proposals.
“The local government officials are concerned primarily with that portion which recommends an agency for planning. Ryan said he was not opposed to zoning or planning but wanted it in the hands of local officials. An agency, he said, ‘would not have to answer to anyone.'”
Placid taxi fare hike?
“Taxi drivers in Lake Placid are seeking their first rate increase since 1962. They sent word to the Lake Placid Village board Monday night with new suggested rates which would increase the per passenger fare and establish a higher night time rate.
“The new rates would charge $1 for one or two persons to the same destination within the village during the day. Each additional person over two to the same destination would be charged 50 cents . Present rates ask 75 cents for one to three persons to the same destination.
“Night rates would be $1 for the first person and 50 cents for each additional person. The taxi men also ask ‘bus charges’; special charges for meeting the bus in front of the Marcy Hotel.
They ask $1 for a person with two suitcases each and each additional case would be a charge of 25 cents. Each steamer trunk would be a charge of $1.
“Justification for the separate night rate, said Trustee Jim Rogers, is that after midnight passengers are likely to be slightly less under their own control.
[You see, I believe my friend Jim, who I worked with for years at ORDA, performing excellent history tours, if I do say so myself, was referring to some passengers, who may, at that late hour, had been into a drink known as a Manhattan; a drink affectionately known to us as ‘blabbermouth soup’.
“Taximan Eddie Borden told the News that night-time passengers, especially during summer months, were a nuisance. He said, ‘we have to put up with everything at the hour and sometimes the situation can even be dangerous.'”
Rockwell Kent dies
“Private funeral services for painter Rockwell Kent were held in AuSable Forks this week. Kent, 88, died Saturday at Champlain Valley Hospital in Plattsburgh.
“Something of a Renaissance man, Kent managed to combine his accomplishments in painting, poetry, farming, architecture and many interests with a personal freedom he called, ‘the American Way of Life’.
He was well-known in this area for his beautiful Asgaard Farm outside of AuSable Forks where he carried on his myriad interests.
He was a friend of my friend, Moses ‘Red’ LaFountaine. Red was famous for his high end restaurants in Lake Placid beginning with the Steak & Stinger.
I covered the fire story for the Associated Press when Mr. Kent’s big, 11-room farmhouse was destroyed after being struck by lightning in April, 1969.
No cell phones at that time, so I jumped into the car numerous times as the fire progressed and raced down to AuSable to call the AP on a pay phone.
I met Mr. Kent about a week later when a newspaper crew spearheaded by ace Enterprise reporter and photographer Linda Champagne, helped retrieve manuscripts and other artifacts from the ruined home. Mr. Kent actually thanked me for not interfering by looking for quotes during the fire. It is quite easy to write a good story when one is an observer of the event in question.
Linda took a picture of many of the books and other papers we had hung over a wire fence on the farm.
She took a great picture of the scene, as a slight breeze came up, gently flipping the pages, looking much like a flock of birds perched on the fence.”
Strack wins election
“T. James (Jimmy) Strack, running as an independent, defeated Republican Peter Darlington for the post of Lake Placid village trustee in Tuesday’s election.
“In his first bid for office, Strack received 508 votes to Darlington’s 265. He will serve one term, filling out the unexpired term of Alan Eccleston.
“Re-elected with no opposition were Mayor Robert Peacock, 466 votes; Trustee Harry Fregoe, 458; Trustee Jim Rogers, 407. A total of 492 voted.”
[I know, I know…I have told you many times that 4 out of 3 people can’t do math. But what am I missing here? The news story states in the last sentence that 492 residents voted. Then the story states that Mr. Strack received 508 votes. In Lake Placid there are Stracks all over the place, maybe just as many Stracks as there are Prestons. Do you suppose Jimmy had his brother, Jerry, round up 13 extra Stracks from Lake Clear, Wilmington and Averyville?]