
The Inseide Dope, by Bob Seidenstein

Bad to the bone

The summer of ‘62 marked the peak of my musical career. It happened in a performance of “The Music Man” that I played perfectly. Then again, it was impossible NOT to be perfect, since the script called for me and my fellow bandmates to play atrociously. First, some vital ...

A not-so toothsome tale

When people ask me where I grew up, I tell them I haven’t — at least not yet. But then I tell them I was born here, have spent all but 10 years of my life here, and if I have any say in the matter, I’m gonna shuffle off this mortal coil here. Looking back, I’d say I lived a ...

The British invasions

Something amazing about language: We speak it, we read it, we write it ... and we know doodle-squat about it. And more’s the pity when it comes to English, because I find its length and breadth fascinating. For one thing, if English were a dog, it’d be a mixed breed — in other words, a ...

Give me liberty and give me cuffs

Last week’s column was about one of my hobbies, etymology — the tracing of word and phrase origins. One of the words I mentioned was “Hoosegow,” a word for “jail,” which I heard in the cowboy movies of my childhood. But it wasn’t used only in cowboy movies; apparently, it was ...

Give me liberty and give me cuffs

Last week’s column was about one of my hobbies, etymology — the tracing of word and phrase origins. One of the words I mentioned was “Hoosegow,” a word for “jail,” which I heard in the cowboy movies of my childhood. But it wasn’t used only in cowboy movies; apparently, it was ...

Some words on words

CAVEAT: If you’re not a word lover, or even a word liker, you might find this column more tedious than tantalizing. If so, I’ll understand you’re not reading it. NB: I’ll understand, but doubt I’ll forgive. Anyhow, it’s obvious I’m a lexiphile, and have been as long ...