
The Inseide Dope, by Bob Seidenstein

Give me liberty and give me cuffs

Last week’s column was about one of my hobbies, etymology — the tracing of word and phrase origins. One of the words I mentioned was “Hoosegow,” a word for “jail,” which I heard in the cowboy movies of my childhood. But it wasn’t used only in cowboy movies; apparently, it was ...

Give me liberty and give me cuffs

Last week’s column was about one of my hobbies, etymology — the tracing of word and phrase origins. One of the words I mentioned was “Hoosegow,” a word for “jail,” which I heard in the cowboy movies of my childhood. But it wasn’t used only in cowboy movies; apparently, it was ...

Some words on words

CAVEAT: If you’re not a word lover, or even a word liker, you might find this column more tedious than tantalizing. If so, I’ll understand you’re not reading it. NB: I’ll understand, but doubt I’ll forgive. Anyhow, it’s obvious I’m a lexiphile, and have been as long ...

When the berserk go to work

I think T.S. Elliott’s best-known lines are “This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper.” They are, of course, his best-known because they seem the only ones anyone knows. But poetic snottiness aside, last Saturday I couldn’t have cared less about how the world ...

On tires and attire, failures and fun

People who are cool in dicey situations we refer to as having nerves of steel. If anyone defined my sang froid — or more appropriately, my lack of it — they’d say I have nerves of tinfoil. It’s not that I fall to pieces under stress. Usually, when the going gets tough, I rise to the ...

Instant expert: Just add internet

Doc McHugh, Kookie and I are sitting in Nori’s cafe, with Doc talking about his time in Colorado. Suddenly, he stops talking and stares off into into the distance. “What’s up?” I say. “Colorado,” he says. “What about it?” I say. “I think that’s a Spanish ...