
Teens Speak

Why everyone should grow a flower

On my family’s small half-acre of land, my garden has always been the best place for me to feel relaxed. When I was in second grade, COVID-19 hit the Adirondacks, and, in true Adirondack style, we were sent home with pine tree saplings. When I first thought of growing a tree, little me ...

Social media is not social anymore

We are living and adapting to an increasingly digitized world. Schools have since become more online, chromebooks are now considered commonplace rather than a curiosity, and, according to Common Sense Media, the percentage of children who own phones at age twelve is 71%, and for 14 year-olds, ...

It’s not popular, but I can’t wait to be a doctor

Did you know that 50 million teenagers worldwide smoke or vape? I sure didn’t! I discovered this when I researched an essay for 8th grade. We could write about whatever we wanted, and I was inspired to write about nicotine addiction. Tobacco, a well-known ingredient in cigarettes, has ...

Award-winning personal narratives in 100 words

This fall, Saranac Lake High School 10th graders in Eric Bennett’s English classes were challenged to write personal narratives in just 100 words. In about the space of a paragraph, students were tasked with telling a story with a beginning, middle and end; expressing something true about ...

Climate change and the election

Since I was 7 years old, I’ve heard about climate change and looked for explanations about what it is and guidance about what I can do about it. It was an intimidating topic to me, but I didn’t really understand the science behind it. Now that I’ve had a few years to do my own research ...

The last teenager on Earth without a smartphone

“So, what do you do?” “How do you live?” “I couldn’t possibly survive like that.” Heh. Heh. Heh. It’s funny, it really is. And it never gets old. Well, maybe a little. The reaction that we get. The questions, they’re great. The quotes above are just some of the ...