It’s the end of October. Last week, the weather was unseasonably warm. Now most of the leaves are off the trees. It’s time for ...
Halloween this coming Thursday. All Saints’ Day is Friday, Nov. 1. All Souls’ Day is Saturday, Nov. 2. It’s time for spookiness. It’s time for ...
What’s your favorite cabbage? And what’s your preferred way to eat this healthy, hardy vegetable?
Many Americans are only familiar with coleslaw at summer cookouts and boiled cabbage on St. Patrick’s Day. But in Europe and Asia, cabbage is a popular vegetable. In Asia, Oriental ...
It’s Autumn. Leaves are falling. Geese are flying. Days are getting shorter and colder, nights are longer.
Apples are America’s most popular fruit. From tart to sweet, crisp to soft, more than 650 apple varieties are listed by the USDA — and there may be more than 10,000 worldwide. ...
Summer squash is on the wane — but can still be found at farmers markets.
Winter squashes are beginning to appear. There are “in-between” squash, like spaghetti or delicata, that don’t fit neatly into summer or winter varieties. Delicata is tender, with a skin that does not need to ...
National Mulled Cider Day is perfect for celebrating autumn. Mulling means infusing beverages — like apple cider — with spices. Mulled drinks have been around since ancient Rome, but Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” enhanced their popularity.
Apple cider is fresh, unfiltered ...
We’ve passed the equinox, and September is winding to an end. Among the fall crops at the farmers market are several varieties of eggplant — in season through October.
This subtropical plant originated in Asia — though no one is sure exactly where. It is popular throughout the Middle ...