
Family Time, by Diane Chase

Cold plunging

Various friends of mine are avid “cold plungers.” I like to call it “swimming in the Adirondacks.” I’ve attended one such gathering, which took place on the icy bank of a river. My friend researched the perfect place. We needed some open water without a current, a bit of beach to ...

It’s maple season

Of the Adirondack seasons, the sweetest one of all involves maple. It’s just a tiny blip on the calendar, nestled between winter and blackfly season. Yes, making maple has economic importance. Blah. Blah. Blah. I understand. But Mother Nature is letting us know spring is right around the ...

Irish Road Bowling

Some of the most popular St. Patrick’s Day traditions did not originate in Ireland, like corned beef and cabbage or green beer. I am not downplaying the importance of brined meat or dyed beverages because everyone turns a little Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. If you want to add another ...

Snowshoeing the Red Dot Trail

We have a new puppy who loves the cold. With the extreme weather, finding places to let the pup get her wiggles out without losing her in a snowbank is challenging. She is generally well-behaved, like my children, until she is not. This pup can be singularly focused on a particular scent until ...

The season of ice dams

I’m fine if I never wake up to a leaking roof again. Really. I don’t need any more lessons. I’m starting to think Mother Nature is making this personal. I’ve read all the posts of people looking for someone to shovel their roofs. I’ve driven down roads to see people raking the snow ...

Enjoy evening winter activities

There are many ways to enjoy winter, nature and the snow. During the day, it’s easy to recreate. There are limited opportunities to enjoy an outdoor winter experience unless you have the equipment and expertise to trek at night. Yes, anyone can go outside and play in the snow, but sometimes ...