
Aimless Insights, by Amy Cheney-Seymour


Trigger Warning: cheap jewelry, mean girls, self-sabotage. I am a thief. My photo is just there to the right, so you should probably make a citizen’s arrest. To this day, I still owe the Gift Corner 21 cents for a ring I bought, to join a mean girl club I didn’t like, all in the name of ...

Feather your glove

It is the Monday after Saranac Lake Winter Carnival. At the risk of being disowned, disavowed or run out of town with a pitchfork and ski pole, as far as I am concerned, the snow can make like Frosty, and melt. With a proper winter under our belt, we had fun, right? We skied, we skated, ...

Dance like everyone’s watching

Spin, clap! Roll hands low, roll hands high! Spin, clap! Roll hands low, roll hands high! We pass Garden Street and the Adults Center, and swerve a few steaming piles of dung from the bleating protests of four goats being reluctantly tugged by the local 4-H club. Volunteer firefighters, ...

Yellow leashes

Ten years ago, we rescued Ida, a sweet black lab with the highly unhelpful backstory of being somewhere between 2 and 10 years old, and the heads up that she wasn’t a fan of dogs charging at her (which could apply to most dogs). Ida was our first rescue, and ignoring everyone’s advice, ...

Nomadic homebody

My husband says I am an excellent travel companion—provided I can make it past the end of our driveway. Now, it’s important to note two things: A) Kris is extraordinarily generous with his compliments, and B) our driveway is 600 feet of “Just One More Thing.” As in, “Just one more ...

One fine day

Excuses, excuses - It’s December 18 and I am woefully unprepared for the holidays, which is a bold departure from the normal checklists, menus and gifts blocking my closet. The holidays are a time to drink deep from the well of consumerism, to wake and worry early, to plan and prep late ...