
What is HPV?

Recently parents have been asking me some pointed questions about the human papilloma virus or HPV vaccine.

This week I’ll take my best shot and provide some information on this vaccine.

What is HPV and how can the vaccine help?

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus. It causes genital warts and may lead to cervical cancer in women and cancer of the genitals, mouth and throat in men as well. Although the virus often does not cause damage immediately, it can do so years later.

This means that many people may not even know they have it and can pass it on to others. The HPV vaccine protects against getting infected with or spreading HPV.

It is estimated that 50% of sexually active women in this country will get HPV at some point in their lives if they do not get vaccinated. If they do, the vaccine will protect people from over 90% of the cancers normally caused by this virus.

The vaccine directed against HPV works best when given to someone who has not yet been infected. That is why, according to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is being given ideally as a series of two shots over a six to 12 month period to girls as well as guys between 9 to 14 years of age or three shots if over the age of 15 up to 45 years of age.

Are there complications from this vaccine?

Some parents believe we are giving live virus to their child — but that is not true.

The vaccine contains bits and pieces of killed virus and thus cannot result in the complications of live virus — such as genital warts and cervical cancer.

The side effects of this vaccine can include some soreness at the injection site or feeling a bit faint after getting it and even these are rare.

Once your older child or teen gets this vaccine, it is important to remember that it only protects against one type of sexually transmitted infection. Thus, make sure your teen knows that they will still need to use appropriate protection if and when they do become sexually active.

The vaccine also does not protect against all types of HPV, just the most common strains. This means that pap smears to monitor for cervical cancer will still be needed as your daughter gets older.

If you have further questions, talk to your older child or teen’s health care professional who can tell you more about the benefits of your child getting this vaccine.

Hopefully, tips like these will wart off or should I say ward off any misinformation you may have when it comes to making sure your teens get vaccinated against HPV.


Lewis First, MD, is Chief of Pediatrics at The University of Vermont Children’s Hospital and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine. You can also Catch “First with Kids” weekly on WOKO 98.9FM and NBC5.

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