
Adirondack Diary

Aug. 16

Jim Herman, 42-year old golf pro, won Wyndham Championship in Greensboro, North Carolina. Had earned $1.5 million and three tournaments over 20 years on PGA tour. Added $1.1 million with this win!

Saw first fall election yard signs during walk around Moody Pond. Also saw three deer. Carried umbrella to ward off the rain.

Aug. 17

Read story about farming in Wisconsin. Advice “to get big or get out” wrong. Drove production up and prices down, which caused many farms to fold.

Reading “From Here to Eternity” by James Jones. Story about a soldier who is good at both boxing and bugling. Demoted when he quit boxing after blinding fellow in ring.

Read story about an American teaching English in China during pandemic. Students there encouraged to stay in school. Students are also very self-critical.

Read story about an American who tried to get rich collecting musk ox hair in Alaska. Found that he could not find enough shedded hair to make it worthwhile, so he turned to guiding in Peru instead.

Aug. 18

Walked through rainstorm to Tri-Lakes Federal Credit Union annual meeting. No members, no prizes, no food and no fun!

Aug. 19

Judy Steinberg, retiring North Country Community College professor, gave Zoom tour of her garden to Rotary district. Has pussy willow, fox glove, bee balm, lamb’s ear, lilacs and baby’s breath. Garden is terraced on hillside around her house.

Aug. 20

Read article about Lutheran minister feeding and counseling immigrants in Brooklyn during pandemic. Read another about using Second Amendment to form ad hoc militias. Same only lets states have “a well-regulated Militia”!

Aug. 21

Had nice chat with dentist about skiing in Austria. Said snow is better in western U.S. Given new toothbrush with curved handle and smaller head, which makes brushing inside teeth easier. Met local reporter. Told me that plumbing leak caused $10,000 damage to his house. Covered by insurance, but house in chaos.

Aug. 22

Beautiful Saturday morning. Met two sisters sitting along Saranac River Walk. Told me their family once owned the land there.

Aug. 23

Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter, from the Greek word for rock, and not only made him head of his church but also heaven’s gatekeeper!

Paul Herrman lives in Saranac Lake. Adirondack Diary is a weekly column.

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