State grants help North Country move towards clean energy
LAKE PLACID — The village of Lake Placid is in the process of adding three more electric vehicles to its fleet, thanks in part to a $50,000 grant from the state’s Clean Energy Communities program, which has funded similar efforts across the Tri-Lakes and the North Country.
The Clean Energy Communities is a New York state Energy Research and Development Authority program that rewards communities for completing “high impact actions.” These can range from investing in electric vehicles or other equipment, switching to LED street lights, or hosting trainings and community initiatives. Completing these actions earns the community points which help them qualify for grants to embark on further clean energy projects.
Lake Placid became a designated Clean Energy Community in 2022 after completing five high impact actions, which included installing heating and cooling pumps at the electric department and firehouse, and replacing decorative street lights with energy efficient LED lights.
Kimball Daby, department head at the Lake Placid Electric Department, said they currently have an order in for three electric vehicles, one of which will be covered by the NYSERDA grant. This will bring the village’s fleet up to five vehicles. Daby said they decided to purchase Ford F-150 Lightnings, which have been popular with other municipalities.
Nancy Bernstein is an “energy circuit rider” at the Adirondack North Country Association. ANCA subcontracts for the NYSERDA CEC program and Bernstein is the designated North Country CEC coordinator. She works with local communities who are seeking to make efforts towards clean and efficient energy through the CEC and other programs offered by the state.
Bernstein said the CEC program is particularly helpful for communities because it is a match-free program that doesn’t require municipalities to come up with their own funds.
Other communities in the Tri-Lakes have also been designated as Clean Energy Communities as a result of their participation in this program. The village of Tupper Lake has begun to build a fleet of electric vehicles and has also installed LED street lights. The village of Saranac Lake has completed a total of 22 actions, including installing LED streetlights, changes in transportation and landscaping, community campaigns and clean energy upgrades.
“Saranac Lake has really cashed in pretty well,” Bernstein said.
To learn more about the CEC program or to see specific actions completed by communities across the state, visit