
Historical society announces third winter speaker

LAKE PLACID — The Lake Placid-North Elba Historical Society has announced its third program in the society’s 2025 Winter Speaker Series: “High Flying Adventures: Aviation History in the High Peaks,” presented by local author Aurora Pfaff.

From Adirondack hermits to national heroes, Lake Placid’s aviation history is a unique one. In “High-Flying Adventures,” Pfaff will share exciting stories from the area’s aviation history, including Noah John Rondeau, Charles Lindbergh, flying circuses and much more. The program is based on her 2024 book, “Images of America: Aviation in the Adirondacks,” published by Arcadia Publishing. The event will include a book signing by Pfaff at the end of the program. Books will also be available for purchase at that time.

Pfaff is a writer based in Saranac Lake. A lifelong reader and devoted collector of books, she graduated with a master’s degree in liberal arts from the Harvard Extension School, where she studied Victorian literature. As a freelance writer, Pfaff has been published in the magazines Adirondack Life, Majesty, LOCALadk, New York Archives and Beyond Words literary magazine. She is currently at work on a memoir about her relationship with her grandmother, who helped raise her and for whom she cared for when her grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.

The program will be held at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts auditorium, 17 Algonquin Drive, on March 19 at 7 p.m. The event will be recorded and can be viewed after March 19 at youtube.com/@DigitalMedia-LPNEHS.

Starting at $4.75/week.

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