Fun in Bloomingdale
Families were invited to Saturday Academy Fun Day put on by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers on Saturday at Bloomingdale Elementary School. Bloomingdale, Petrova and St. Bernard’s students and their families participated in different activities in each room such as St. Patrick’s Day crafts, maple cotton candy tasting, winter scavenger hunt, farmers’ market, ceramics, pancake and syrup tasting, sledding and more. Pictured: Piper Stanton a second grader from Petrova Elementary, pets and feeds a Sloth named “Tony 2 Toes Slowman” while Lena “The Lizard Lady” holds him. Lena also brought a bearded dragon, and various snakes. (Enterprise photo — Lindsay Munn)
The Saranac Lake Rotary Club shows of the free books they handed out to students in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday. From left are Julie Connors, Judy Steinberg, Aurora Pfaff, Mary Brown and Dianne Tkach.
(Enterprise photo — Lindsay Munn)