SLIGO planning underway for St. Patrick’s Day

Amanda Jones and Andrea Dukett dance with the Lawn Chair Ladies in the SLIGO Saranac Lake St. Patrick's Day parade on Saturday, March 16, 2024. (Enterprise photo — Aaron Marbone)
SARANAC LAKE — The Saranac Lake Irish Gaelic Organization has announced this year’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration will take place on Saturday, March 15.
The nomination window for parade grand marshal is now open and will run through Friday, Feb. 21. Any SLIGO member may submit a nomination for grand marshal. Nominations will be reviewed, and the 2025 grand marshal selected, in a smoke-filled back room at a secret meeting of all prior grand marshals. Membership is open to all, with annual dues of $10 for individuals or $20 for families.
Now entering its 10th year, the event continues to grow in popularity, attracting spectators and participants from across the United States, Canada, Jamaica and, occasionally, points unknown. In keeping with recent tradition, the parade lineup will assemble between Bloomingdale Avenue and Olive Street, beginning at noon on Saturday, March 15. The parade itself will step off at 1 p.m. on a quarter-mile route up Main Street to the Harrietstown Town Hall, where a gathering and awards ceremony will follow in the auditorium.
Earlier in the day, the Blue Moon Cafe will serve a traditional Irish breakfast, beginning at 8 a.m.
SLIGO is dedicated to community service and the promotion and celebration of Irish and Irish-American history. Additional details will be released in the weeks to come.
To learn more, follow the Saranac Lake Irish Gaelic Organization on Facebook.