
Rangers assist lost, injured, overdue hikers

Forest Rangers with the state Department of Environmental Conservation responded to three calls in the Adirondacks, assisting people who became lost, injured or overdue in the woods.

Lost hunter helped

HARRIETSTOWN — Ray Brook Dispatch requested Forest Ranger assistance in the search for a missing hunter at 10:35 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 21. The 79-year-old from Lake Placid lost his way on the trail. At 11:24 a.m., Forest Rangers David Corey and Jenna Curcio located the subject and helped him back to the trailhead. Resources were clear at 12:56 p.m.

Driven off Phelps

NORTH ELBA — While on patrol at 6:38 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23, Forest Ranger Charles Foutch met a hiker who reported they had seen a hiker struggling to hike down Phelps Mountain due to a knee injury. The injured hiker, from Connecticut, was being helped by his hiking party. Foutch responded with a utility terrain vehicle on the truck trail, reached the hiker and gave him a ride to his vehicle. The subject declined further medical assistance. Resources were clear at 7:18 p.m.

Overdue on Big Slide

KEENE — Ray Brook Dispatch received a call that two hikers were overdue on Big Slide Mountain at midnight on Sunday, Nov. 24. The caller, who was originally with the two overdue hikers but finished the hike before they did, went back out to find the 58- and 60-year-olds from New Jersey.

At 12:37 a.m., that hiker found the pair in good condition and hiked back down alone. At 2:31 a.m., the hikers still had not returned. Forest Rangers Charles Foutch and Andrew Lewis hiked in to find the missing duo. Rangers found the two subjects, warmed them and helped them back to their vehicle. Resources were clear at 4:47 a.m. Rangers did not specify if there were any factors that led to the two hiker’s overdue time on the trail.

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