
Gala of Miracles to benefit childhood cancer research

JAY — Karson Hull and his family welcome community members to their annual gala.

This month, Hope for Miracles, Inc., a nonprofit charity based in Jay, will hold their 5th Annual Gala from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26 at the Grand Adirondack Hotel in Lake Placid.

Hope for Miracles raises much needed funding for childhood cancer, contributes 10% of funds raised to the UVM Children’s Hospital programming, provides an annual grant to local families currently receiving treatments, and also provides care packages for children and families. They work extremely hard to ensure that their operating budget since their inception has been 1% or less. Funds raised for research (89% of funds raised) have gone to Memorial Sloan Kettering for a clinical trial that has shown to be safe and effective in treating children with neuroblastoma. The actual vaccine being tested can be used to treat not only neuroblastoma, but all solid type tumors in both children and adults.

“It is very important to me to give help and hope to others who are dealing with a childhood cancer diagnosis. I want to inspire others to get involved in the fight against childhood cancer. Strength is in numbers and together we can change the four percent and help fund the research that will change the lives of these children and families,” said LaBombard, Karson’s mother and the founder/CEO of Hope for Miracles.

She emphasized that devoting funds to research is the only way to find a cure for neuroblastoma and other childhood cancers.

The gala will include a cocktail hour, delicious cuisine, networking, auctions, dancing (DJ Surreal Sounds), and professional photos. Tickets to the event can be purchased from the website and are $75 per person.

“It makes me feel good that my family and I can do these kinds of things, along with some new ideas we have, to help research a cure for those like me,” Karson said.

Hope for Miracles was created in honor of Karson, who has battled neuroblastoma three times in his 14 years. Through the family’s quest for answers, they learned that only four percent (or less) of research funds are dedicated to childhood cancers, and rarer forms like neuroblastoma receive even less.

Several sponsors have made this event possible and have been a part of this annual event since its inception. Mountain Valley Federal Credit Union & Adirondack Health have been supporters of the gala from the beginning and continue to be an integral part of making the Hoedown into what it is.

“They are like family. They have shown us that they believe in Hope for Miracles, our mission, and our ability to raise these much needed funds to find a cure. Their continued support is like a warm blanket. When the fears set in, as they inevitably do, just the knowledge that we can count on their continued support is such needed reassurance,” LaBombard said.

Several other sponsors have joined them over the years and have continued their support this year: Chauvin Insurance Agency & Alexander Orthodontics. Over the last two years, they have gained families who want to join in their mission and who have provided personal sponsorships; the Plumb and McKeige families.

LaBombard says they welcome further sponsors and donations of items or services.

“We are so incredibly thankful to our community members, families, and businesses for their ongoing support and participation. The sponsors, donors, attendees and overall supporters are the superheroes, along with Karson and other warriors like him, of course.”

Hope for Miracles, Inc. is a 501(c)3 public charity and previously donated $100,000 to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for Childhood Cancer research, and is currently working to send their next $100,000. For more information about Hope for Miracles, visit www.hopeformiracles.org.

Starting at $4.75/week.

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