Assemblyman tours and touts Tupper Lake growth
- State Assemblyman Billy Jones, second from right, gets a tour of the former Oval Wood Dish factory slated for redevelopment. (Photo provided)
- State Assemblyman Billy Jones, third from right, hears about expansion at Amado restaurant in Tupper Lake on Friday, May 7. (Photo provided)
- State Assemblyman Billy Jones, right, gives Ben Gocker, head librarian of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library in Tupper Lake, a Outstanding Librarian Award through the state Senate Library Committee on Friday, May 7. (Photo provided)
- Haji Maroun, second from right, tells state Assemblyman Billy Jones, left, about baseball field improvements during Jones’ tour of Tupper Lake Friday, May 7. Behind them are village Mayor Paul Maroun, second from left, and village Trustee Clint Hollingsworth. (Photo provided)
- State Assemblyman Billy Jones, left, visits the Adirondack Store in Tupper Lake Friday, May 7. (Photo provided)
- Birch Boys owner Garrett Kopp, left, shows state Assemblyman Billy Jones the mushrooms he uses to make tea. (Photo provided)

State Assemblyman Billy Jones, second from right, gets a tour of the former Oval Wood Dish factory slated for redevelopment. (Photo provided)
TUPPER LAKE — Last Friday, May 7, state Assemblyman Billy Jones visited Tupper Lake to get an update of the new economic developments happening in the village since his last visit.
Mayor Paul Maroun scheduled a tour for the assemblyman to see the newly renovated baseball field, the former Oval Wood Dish factory, Amado’s restaurant and a walk down Park Street that included a meet-and-greet with village board members and the police chief.
“The village of Tupper Lake has a lot of big ideas for the future, and it is great to see the progress they have made so far,” Jones, D-Chateaugay Lake, said in a press release. “Between the Lahinch Group plans to redevelop the Oval Wood Dish Factory into housing and commercial space, the outdoor seating renovations at Amado’s, and the recent changes to the baseball field, you can feel the excitement for what the future will bring to Tupper Lake. The village is prepared to greet tourists who will be coming to the area in the near future, especially with the new Adirondack Rail Trail that is currently under construction.”
“It was a pleasure showing Assemblyman Jones around Tupper Lake to see some of the economic and development projects happening in the village,” Maroun added. “He has always been supportive of our work and is always willing to help move our projects forward.”
Before the tour, Jones also visited the Adirondack Store and also stopped by Birch Boys Inc. for a behind-the-scenes tour. Birch Boys forages mushrooms found in the Adirondacks to create teas; the Tupper Lake business was started by Garrett Kopp when he was in his teens.

State Assemblyman Billy Jones, third from right, hears about expansion at Amado restaurant in Tupper Lake on Friday, May 7. (Photo provided)
Jones was also able to surprise the librarian of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library, Ben Gocker, with a New York state citation in recognition of winning the Outstanding Librarian Award through the Senate Library Committee. Gocker was nominated by one of his patrons for his dedication throughout the pandemic to help the community, including providing home-schooling materials and curbside pickup.
“It was a great day visiting various businesses and economic development projects in Tupper Lake,” Jones stated. “The innovative ideas that are coming from small businesses and local governments is what attracts people to the Adirondack region, and there is no doubt that the people of Tupper Lake are passionate about revitalizing their community.”

State Assemblyman Billy Jones, right, gives Ben Gocker, head librarian of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library in Tupper Lake, a Outstanding Librarian Award through the state Senate Library Committee on Friday, May 7. (Photo provided)

Haji Maroun, second from right, tells state Assemblyman Billy Jones, left, about baseball field improvements during Jones’ tour of Tupper Lake Friday, May 7. Behind them are village Mayor Paul Maroun, second from left, and village Trustee Clint Hollingsworth. (Photo provided)

State Assemblyman Billy Jones, left, visits the Adirondack Store in Tupper Lake Friday, May 7. (Photo provided)

Birch Boys owner Garrett Kopp, left, shows state Assemblyman Billy Jones the mushrooms he uses to make tea. (Photo provided)