
NYC firefighter dies in Lake George snowmobile crash

A 35-year-old firefighter from the Bronx died when a snowmobile he was riding crashed into a dock on Lake George on Thursday, Feb. 25. The crash ejected the rider, and he landed in the water under an ice shelf.

Carmine J. Barresi was a member of the New York City Fire Department, according to his social media profile.

He had been underwater about 30 minutes when a fire department diver finally found him submerged in 10 to 15 feet of water near the dock. Multiple fire and rescue services, sheriff’s deputies and state state forest rangers responded to the incident near the Hall’s Boat marina, near the lake’s southern basin, around 4 p.m., when the snowmobiler was still in the water. Firefighters and a forest ranger donned cold-water suits and dove into the lake to look for him. A diver with the North Queensbury Fire Department found him, according to the state Department of Environmental Conservation, and he was removed from the water.

A ranger and a sheriff’s deputy began life-saving measures, and then turned the man over to local emergency medical services for transport to Glens Falls Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. The cause of death was determined to be traumatic internal injuries suffered in the crash. The cause of the crash was being investigated by the Warren County Sheriff’s Office.

Barresi was vacationing in the area as part of a group from New York City. Sheriff Jim LaFarr said he believes it may have been a group of law enforcement officials who came to enjoy some ice fishing and snowmobiling.

Barresi was with the group in the center of the lake. LaFarr said investigators were not immediately able to determine why he left the group.

As for whether alcohol was a factor in the crash, LaFarr said they will not know until they get back the toxicology report.

LaFarr said the ice thickness varies on Lake George, but it is generally safe enough for snowmobiles and other small vehicles.

“You get in close to these docks, and they have the de-icing systems, so it’s open water,” he said.

Lake George Park Commission Executive Director Dave Wick said it is an ongoing challenge to keep safe people who are unfamiliar with the “ice eaters” — the bubblers that prevent ice from freezing up near the docks.

It was the first of two fatal snowmobile incidents in consecutive days last week in the Adirondacks. On Friday morning, a 56-year-old man from Gansevoort died in a three-snowmobile collision in the town of Bellmont, near Mountain View southeast of Malone.


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