Schools closed 2 more weeks
But new state order doesn’t change much because local districts already planned to keep buildings shut for 3
Schools statewide will stay closed for an additional two weeks — until April 15 — Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday during his daily coronavirus press briefing, but local schools were already planning to be closed through April 20.
This extension essentially allows schools to continue to receive state aid, even when they are closed for the next few weeks, according to local superintendents.
Lake Placid School District Superintendent Roger Catania said.
Tupper Lake School District Superintendent Seth McGowan said his district was already going to be closed through April 20, based on Franklin County’s emergency declaration, which was made before Cuomo’s first announcement earlier this month that closed school through March 31.
Now that the statewide return date has been extended to April 15, schools will not need to decide between opening classrooms too soon and losing state aid, he said.
McGowan said.
All local districts said they were going to stay closed to avoid spreading COVID-19 and just take the financial losses that would have come.
McGowan said.
He said around half of the district’s annual income comes from state aid.
Though there is a five-day gap between Cuomo’s return date and the schools’ date, that is when they are on spring break, so they do not risk losing state aid at that time.
Keene School District Superintendent Daniel Mayberry said this announcement should have been made earlier this week, instead of four days away from when the state was telling schools to return.
Mayberry said.
Mayberry said the governor’s extension is needed to excuse districts from their 180-days-of-school-a-year requirement, on which state aid is based, day-by-day. This requirement had been waived earlier this month, but not for schools that exceed the state’s COVID-19 closure period.
Cuomo cited the high number of cases in New York and a need to as reasons for the extension, and said the state may extend the school closings even further in the future.
Cuomo said.