I grew up in a home with a fireplace in the living room. My folks used it only on really cold nights, in addition to the furnace, or when the power went out. It was reassuring to know that even during power outages, we could build a fire to stay warm and comfortable.
Throughout my adult ...
Poinsettias are among the most popular potted flowering or foliage plants of the Christmas season. They have been for decades.
According to the 2020 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Floriculture Report, the most recent statistics available, the wholesale value of U.S. grown ...
The idea of taking plants from the wild and bringing them indoors seems to fly in the face of all things natural. But starting somewhere around 1,000 BC, plants and small trees were being used as ornamental features in homes in several ancient civilizations.
A brief history
We ...
It’s mid-November. The leaves on the trees have all fallen, with the exception of the few that still stubbornly cling to their branches. It’s getting colder. Clocks have been moved back an hour, so night comes early. Migratory birds are gathering or headed south. And it’s crunch-time for ...
Have you ever wondered why or how black cats became a traditional part of Halloween imagery, decoration, and symbolism? Or why people dress up as black cats on Halloween? I know I have.
I ain’t superstitious, but …
“I ain’t superstitious, but a black cat crossed my ...
Chainsaws were once tools used only by professional lumberjacks. But today they’re widely used by farmers, landowners and homeowners, as well. And they sure are useful! In fact, it’s hard to think of a more efficient, time saving power tool. But a chainsaw in the hands of an inexperienced, ...