
Family Time, by Diane Chase

Carnival royalty and volunteering

I know a queen. I know more than one. How many people can say that besides everyone in Saranac Lake? It’s an honor. I am not being sarcastic, though, as I reread my words, I may come off that way. I am, indeed, sincere. I spoke to a friend about the wonderful tradition that ties community ...

Library cards open worlds

My New Year’s Resolution is simple. I want to learn new things. (I’d like to eat less sugar and exercise more, but I feel my goals must be achievable.) One New Year’s Resolution that is easy to keep is getting a free local library card. It’s not just for adults. Children can get a ...

The Tom Sawyer Effect

Recently, my daughter made an offer to repaint the kitchen cabinets. It was a generous offer, to say the least. She then one-upped the notion by painting the picture of a friendly mother-daughter bonding experience where we could accomplish more than just the cabinets. (It’s not a large room, ...

Ice skating with visitors

It may seem counterintuitive to skate on maintained ice when surrounded by Adirondack lakes and ponds. With the recent snow, rain, and higher temperatures, I want to bring visitors to places where ice is safe. The beginning of every season is the time to be overly cautious. As a friend ...

Fresh snow on Moose Pond Trail

Good grief. I need to back away from the Christmas cookies. That is the mental conversation I have with my snow pants. The devil on my shoulder reminds me that I worked too hard to make the cookies and the sooner I eat them, the sooner they will be gone. Though my mental tug-o-war with sugary ...

The 69th Year of NORAD Santa Tracker

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has been tracking Santa since a child mistakenly called a classified Colorado Continental Air Defense Command Operations Center (CADCOC) military base after reversing two numbers from a 1955 Sears Roebuck store advertisement. The ad in The ...